
As some of you may know it already, I’ve recently founded an online magazine, Good Enough Darling, dedicated to people who are having a burn-out. My goal is to give tips, a bit of info and most of all, a feeling of hope and lightness when you read it.

As a guide for myself but also in the perspective of documenting myself for the magazine, I bought The Gifts of Imperfection from Brené Brown . Yesterday, I read the Guidepost 3 dedicated to “resilience” and as Brené Brown explains it, resilience comes with different things and one of them is hope.


What I found in this book and in this guidepost in particular, is actually the same as what I felt when I saw that tiny little flower at the florist.


That little delicate plant does not need a vase, a flowerpot or extra loam. What it needs, is a bit of water and a bit of light. The rest, it takes care of it itself.


I can stare at that flower for hours and feel inspired by the contrast between the delicate shape of the petals and the rawness of its roots. It is well grounded and it elevates itself to the light, fearless.


I wish we would look more at Nature and let ourselves be more inspired by it. We have what we need inside of us, let’s embrace it and be grateful.


May you all have a splendid day.




That time of the year







“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”-Maya Angelou, All God’s Children Need Travelling Shoes


A very fine line


“There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.”

Maya Angelou


Photography all rights reserved Carole Rey

Don’t Give Up On Me


Today for the first time since a couple of months, I got on my knees in my garden to photograph. I have to admit that since I invested in a dark piece of fabric, I almost solely focused my floral photography inside and with this dark background; it was new and fun, I had a blast. But that was before I met the silence on holiday in Jonquières, France. Since I’m back I need to go back to my roots, I need to “connect” again. Who knows how long it will last?…

So I went outside and did multiple shots of this tiny violet; from above, under, full frame, half frame and finally it’s this shot that I chose to show to you. This one because it is not completely sharp, there is a white blurry line on two petals. It’s a flower that stands in the wind, that lives for nothing and can be completely crashed by kids playing football in the garden. It is so fragile and yet so sophisticated. I like it, I like her. Bend down and look at her, tomorrow she might be gone.

This post was inspired and made while listening to the beautiful voice of Solomon Burke singing Don’t Give Up On Me

May you all have a blissful day.




Words and photography all rights reserved Carole Rey

Fritillaria Imperialis

It’s kind of obvious now, at least to me, that when I fall for something or someone I fall totally, deeply, tremendously. I fall with my heart and soul and there is no grey zone.  In the education I give to my kids, I try to encourage them to be passionate, to do things 100% no matter what. Go for it, give it all. Don’t you mind about what others think, let your heart guide you and enjoy.


So when I saw this flower this morning at my favorite florist, I did not hesitate and I bought it right away.  After a quick search in my dear “Most Beautiful Flowers” book from Pierre-Joseph Redouté I can tell you that it is a Fritillaria Imperialis and I must say that its name fits it perfectly, don’t you think? It could belong to a Marry Poppin’s formula.


What a beauty!! And yes, I fell totally, deeply, tremendously for this object of my desire. My first reaction was, what a special bird we have here! I loved right away its fluffy crazy look.


Back home, I took the time to observe it and appreciate it even more.The shape, the lines, the structure, the superb colours.


So keep this name in mind, Fritillaria Imperialis!


May you all have a joyful weekend.



Ps: This article was written while listening to Jim Hall’s album Concierto


Words and images all rights reserved Carole Rey