The discreet sensuality of the mushroom

When autumn comes, everything slowly changes. Nature of course, the colour of the sky, the light outside, the sound you make when you walk in the countryside. There is something deeply melancholic but also warm in this season.


Each and every time, it reconnects me to childhood memories. Roast chestnuts, vermicelli soups in the evening and slowly comes to mind the perspective of Christmas and family reunions.


My childhood is long gone but still this season has a special spot in my heart. This year, to my big surprise, lots of mushrooms just popped up all over the place. And, of course, I grabbed my camera and went on a photographic journey. I first tried to photograph them  from above but when I saw one from under, I got so much butterflies in my belly that I couldn’t stop smiling and snapping.


Amazing how wonderful Nature is. Look at those lines, that symmetries! Photographing Nature is and stays each and every time an incredible discovery and amazement.


May you all be safe and happy inside,
